Proving Depression For Social Security Benefits

When people think of disability claims, they think of physical disabilities, such as blindness, cancer, etc. However, mental health issues can be just as disabling as physical illnesses. Serious depression is more common than you think and can disrupt a person’s entire lifestyle. If you have a condition interfering with your lifestyle, you should seek support.
Fortunately, depression is one of the listed disabilities in the Blue Book. Long-term disability benefits can help you move forward with your life when depression doesn’t let you. If you have any queries about the same, contacting companies that offer disability insurance can help.
What is depression, and what are its symptoms?
Depression is one of the most common mental health concerns worldwide. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of people are affected by it, and most of the cases go untreated.
Depression is more than just feeling sad. Sadness is something that every human experiences from time to time. However, depression is a psychiatric disorder associated with a sad and irritable mood for days, weeks, months or even years on end. People with depression may experience the following:
- poor concentration,
- insomnia or excessive sleep,
- loss of appetite,
- extreme lack of self-worth or suicidal ideations,
- lack of energy or hyperenergetic feelings without focus.
Does Social Security consider depression a disability?
Yes. Social Security recognizes how serious the symptoms of depression can be and how deeply it can affect people’s lives. If you qualify for depression, you can get the benefits.
How to prove that you have depression?
Here are the steps to prove depression on your disability claim.
Keep a journal of your physical and emotional status.
When you file for disability benefits, you may have to talk about your experiences sooner or later. Remembering all of your feelings and emotions can be difficult as memories can fade. Going through your journal or submitting your journal can help you prove your claim.
Seek medical treatment.
If you suffer from depressive symptoms, do not put off treatment thinking it is temporary. Professional treatment can help relieve the symptoms and even make your condition better. Even if it does not, you will have medical records to prove that you tried to better your condition using medical help, but it did not help.
Get witnesses.
When you have depression, it may be obvious or apparent to your close friends and family members. Statements from your friends, co-workers, employer, or other people you meet regularly can be helpful in proving your claim. For example, your family could testify that you once did not eat for three days straight and locked yourself in your room.