What Happens in Family Law Cases in San Antonio?

When we talk about family law, things that come to one’s mind initially are divorce or child custody. Cases such as these require professional legal help from attorneys with years of experience in handling such matters. But that is not all, several other situations also fall under family law, such as estate planning and separation. One would need an attorney to negotiate, mediate and settle outside court for these. Get the help of a San Antonio Family Law Expert, to handle your family law case.
What happens usually?
In general, when it comes to family law cases, a party files a petition with the family division of their local county court. Once the petition is filed, all the parties who are associated are informed so that they can also put forward their interests.
Negotiation or settling:
If you are not happy or your interests are not being met, you can always negotiate during the process. A lawyer is hired by each side to represent their interests during negotiations. If you get along well with the other family members involved, a negotiated settlement might be your best bet.
There will be situations where the two parties are unable to reach an agreement. So, in case, of negotiation, mediation, and collaboration, the matter will be taken to court. However, note that before the judge issues a ruling, the parties may come to a settlement agreement.
Types of cases:
In case of a divorce, the attorney will do pre-nuptial or post-marital agreement negotiations, try to settle through mediation or negotiation or litigate contentious divorces.
The attorney may also help with property, debt, and asset division in divorce/domestic partnership dissolution through negotiation, mediation, or litigation. Help with cases surrounding “separate” and “community” property, deal with complex assets, family home allocation, and scenarios where adultery affects property distribution.
An attorney may also handle child custody and visitation cases, including writing agreements, negotiating, mediating, or litigating arrangements that are in the best interests of your children. In addition, they can even help with effective co-parenting, amending orders, and resolving out-of-state custody issues. Services may include relocation objections, adultery scenarios, legal emancipation, and adoption/surrogacy procedures.
Final thoughts:
In this blog, we looked at different ways a family law attorney can help you in addition to the types of cases they generally handle. In case there is still some doubt, don’t forget to book your first consultation.