A Career in Immigration Law
In the United States, immigration laws are based on the U.S. Constitution. These laws are found in Title 8 of the U.S. Code. While federal immigration laws are in effect, state governments are not permitted to interfere with these matters. However, a handful of states have passed laws allowing police to investigate aliens suspected of committing crimes. The Immigration and Naturalization Service, or USCIS, screens applications to ensure that they are legitimate and protects the country’s borders.
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Immigration law
A career in immigration law offers many rewarding opportunities for professionals and students who want to make a positive difference in society. This type of work involves dealing with human rights issues, interacting with people of other cultures, and advocating for fair and just laws. Other areas of immigration law include entertainment, sports, compliance, and business. In the federal courts, an attorney can defend the rights of refugees and individuals who may be in danger. While most lawyers in this field practice in the United States, there are many different types of immigrants.
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Practice immigration law
While working in immigration law, students should consider pursuing a career in other areas. Aside from the legal field, students can also pursue a variety of career paths that involve a wide range of immigrant populations. They may also opt to work in government, education, non-profit organizations, and other fields. Regardless of whether they want to practice immigration law or not, they should first decide what they want to do. This can be an extremely rewarding career choice.
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